Michael Pope - Services - MC
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Master of Ceremonies
With his training and emphasis on improvisation and flexibility, Michael has mastered the ability to read an audience and deliver exactly what they want at the right time. He has performed for everyone from the ‘man off the street’ - to the Prime Minister, and is very conscious to treat them all the same; with respect and appreciation, so that everyone feels included.

If you need some guidance in the format of an event, Michael can also help out here. Having MC'd at hundreds of events over the years, his suggestions of what might work best for you can make the difference you’re looking for. He will meet with organisers well in advance, and together create an event that guests will remember, often because of the ‘you had to be there’ nature of Michael’s style. Drawing on his network of actors, writers and stage management, Michael can assist to create a unique experience.

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Feature Act...
Charity Work...

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